Marc Huntemann

Marc Huntemann is a leading solar company in Germany that deals in selling solar pannel plates across Germany.

The company was selling Solar Panel plates so need strategy plus paid ads, the leads were the best option for that because this need a process to convert a lead to a customer.

Marc Huntemann
December 15, 2021
Marc Huntemann
Solar company
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The Challenges

The niche was very competitive in that area so it was a tough challenge for us to get leads for the business.

The company was selling Solar Panel plates so need strategy plus paid ads, the leads were the best option for that because this needs a process to convert a lead to a customer.

Our Strategy

In the onsite phase of the project, we helped identify key target Audiences, and interests performed technical auditing of the new website, and provided guidance for the funnel. Our creative team then developed a creative strategy with digihuts own in-house digital team, to create a good, advanced funnel on Facebook ads that give us more than our expectations.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation,
hard work, and learning from failure.
– Paul Tournier

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